“Various aspects on Skeletal Muscle Relaxants” Academic Symposium
Topics “Various aspects on Skeletal Muscle Relaxants” Academic Symposium Speakers …
What you'll learn
"Are all muscle relaxants the same?" by Prof. Chit Soe
"Role of muscle relaxants in orthopaedics" by Prof. Myint Thaung
"Chronic pain: How to cope it?" by Prof. Khin Myo Ha
Allergic Rhinitis : Advancing Patient Care
Speakers Chairperson – Prof. Maung Maung Khaing _ Honorary Professor, …
What you'll learn
Allergic Rhinitis : Advancing Patient Care
Clinical Practice in Management of Allergic Rhinitis (Doctor's Presperctive) - Associate Prof. Thandar Win
Patient-orientated treatment approach for Allergic Rhinits - Prof. Thidar Soe
Pitfalls in NSAIDs Usages
Speakers Chairperson – Prof. Chit Soe _ M.B.,B.S, M.Med.Sc, Dr.Med.Sc, …
What you'll learn
1. Pain Management in Rheumatology Practice
2. Safe Practice in precribing NSAIDs